Thursday, 16 December 2010


There was great merriment in the Daily Express yesterday as even? the Germans fell foul of the

wintry weather.

It is interesting how we stereotype people and countries. Germany has this reputation for being very efficient.

I'm sure in lots of ways they are but having worked for a German company for 14 years I found

that this reputation was a complete myth. The things that went wrong were just as numerous as

in the UK and I suspect many other countries as well.

Still I'm still working on my internet business

to make it as efficient as possible!!

Thought for today. Are you as efficient as you can be?

Joke for today:- I had a ploughman's lunch yesterday then he punched me.

On this day:- 16th December

In 1653 Cromwell was made Lord Protector

In 1889 Sir Noel Coward was born

John F. Beaumont internet marketer

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